
BRACC Knowledge and Policy Hub

Start date
End date



The hub provides knowledge, policy and implementation support to the BRACC implementing partners, acting to ensure that the impact of the programme is greater than the sum of its parts.

It is doing this in two ways: first, by ensuring that the programme activities are informed by good practices in resilience and adaptation in different contexts; and second, by ensuring that the knowledge emerging from the programme is effectively communicated and used to inform programming and policy, both within Malawi and outside.

Malawi village women credit Katharine Vincent



The hub centres its approach around a learning agenda of critical questions that the programme wants to answer to inform practice and policy. Key thematic areas around which the learning questions are clustered include:

  • Resilience characteristics and measurement.
  • Beneficiary targeting and graduation.
  • How system level change happens.
  • How behaviour change happens.
  • How to best support resilience and adaptation in Malawi 

The hub's other activities are:

  • Supporting programme-wide Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) to ensure that the programme is as effective as possible. We will help the programme learn how to build resilience and support adaptation to climate change, and will lead the process evaluation, midterm and end-term evaluation reports.
  • Identifying and implementing research that addresses gaps in knowledge on the concepts and practice of building resilience and adapting to climate change. We will aim to contribute to programming within BRACC and beyond, and also to the implementation of the National Resilience Strategy.
  • Building strategic relationships with Government of Malawi stakeholders and collaborating to document, assess and prioritise technical assistance requests.
  • Synthesising, packaging and communicating evidence and learning around key themes. This includes developing a BRACC programmatic communications and stakeholder engagement strategy.
  • Providing technical coordination and implementation support, including in the fields of MEAL, research, policy advocacy, and knowledge management and communications, across the BRACC implementing partners, i.e. the members of the PROSPER consortium, GIZ, African Parks, and the Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests project.


  • A learning agenda has been established with accompanying representative governance structure to direct the MEAL and research activities, and communications needs.
  • A programme-wide framework for MEAL has been established.
  • A Value for Money Strategy has been drafted to ensure economy, efficiency, effectiveness and equity within the programme.





Image  (above) Village women, courtesy Katharine Vincent.


News & Blogs

Outputs from the 2021 BRACC evaluation now available

Following the 2021 evaluation of the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme, a number of outputs have now been published presenting results and reflecting on key lessons learned around the design, implementation and monitoring of resilience building and adaptation interventions.

Malawi's youth perspective on COP26 and its outcomes

Glasgow COP26 was greatly anticipated. Hopes were high and the publicity very good. Prior to the negotiations starting, diverse voices sounded their expectations. Many were calling for developed countries to honour their climate finance promises and take bold steps toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Crisis Modifier

Learning paper

This learning paper summarises the evaluation of the crisis modifier function under the PROSPER Project which is part of the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme.

PROSPER Intervention: Access to finance

Learning paper

This learning paper summarises the support for access to finance under the PROSPER Project which is part of the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme.

Spillover effects

Learning paper

This learning paper summarises the evidence for spillover effects of interventions under the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme.

PROSPER Intervention: Cash for Inputs

Learning paper
This learning paper summarises the evaluation of the Cash for Inputs intervention under the PROSPER Project which is part of the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme.